? ??????????????Red? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (40 Ratings)??3107 Grabs Today. 27216 Total Grabs. ??????Prev
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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hellooo Helloooo

I just randomly decided to make a new post. because tyler was complaining about how i havent made one in a long time.
haha. lol
well my hommcoming was last night. it was pretty fun!! i totally have school spirit for my new high school. being a freshman is annoying sometimes. x.x but its kinda kool.
im glad im finally in highschool.
ive been really upset latley. because my mom said i cant visit michigan on christmas break. thats really not kool. but i told her i didnt want anything else for christas. and even though i know i probly cant go. im still going to say i dont want anything. because i Ddont i mean i dont even care that the new harry potter movie is comming out. and if you knew me. you would relize that i must REALLY want to go to MI. SO while being here in south carolina. ive made alot of new friends. they are pretty awesome ^_^
one is my best friend marc.(in the pic above) were like super close. i always steel his slipknot sweater!!! lol ^_^
hes my emo buddy heheheh!!!!! :P
i have other awesome friends too that i just randomly met and started hanging out with. :D