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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Updates

Changed background and music and what not XD
done. (:
Amanda sherwood is my best friend in south carolina. we took this picture when we were out with her mom. that was a very fun
i cant believe im going to be in 10th grade next year!
hope its going to be better then last year.
i think it will, plus ill probably be in drama club.
this is random....
all my new music on my playlist,are all songs i can connect to.
make me over: i think courtney love is crazy awesome in a weird crazy way. and i like this song
Happy:i really dont like nsn a whole lot because it reminds me of marc, but i really do like this song. and trouble. :P
Who i am hates who i've been:heard this in church ((chaos)) in the 7th or 8th grade. i like it because theres ALOT of stupid things i do and have done in my past but im always trying to be a better person
Satalite heart: song i found from new moon, and it makes me think of marc.
Liar liar: always loved that song and i love the used. plus too many people in this world lie.
You'r gaurdian angel: song i dedicated to my friends in michigan. i love them.
You lost me: mine and marcs relationship
Not afraid: ive always loved eminem and this song is just empowering. i love it