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Monday, July 19, 2010

Grounded for five days!!! :O

Yeah i basically grounded myself for five days so i could go to the mall.
longish story but anyways it was worth it. the mall was pretty fun. marc was there. i think im getting used to being around him alittle more. its really really awesome that he is going to another school next year. i mean...it'll be wierd at first, not seeing him around anymore, but i think its going to help me foret about him and i can finally completley move on, and be happy again. so im kinda excited to get on with my life. :D
anyways at the mall i got to hang with him and jack and john and miranda. it was quite fun. we were benig SUCH dorks. mostley me tho :P
im also really excited to start drama club next year. I really think its going to be good for me and there are so many awesome people in drama club. like chase! :D and john and ian.
i went to johns 16th b-day party the other day. it was really cool.
i got to see chase for the first time since he has been back from california.
it was the fisrt time i had seen him since we were dating so it was kinda hard for me not to be able to like...idk. that part sucked. but anyways it was good to see him.
Hopefully sometime next week me amanda patrick and chase can hang out.
ill be going to florida on the 1rst of next month to the 15th.
i think it'll give me the chance to see how much im really gonna miss this place.
who knows....
its gonna be wierd being back around my dad again.....o.o